II’s post

okay, so i had an idea. i disided that i would close down this blog. (just kidding!) i made a contest. whoever is vews this page the most, gets to write a post. so i emailed my the vewer who left the most comments. you can do this too, just leave a lot of comments and i might just choose you! okay, so i e-mailed her, and she e-mailed me back with somthing she wanted to post. this is what it was.


Here is a chocolate joke:

A man knew he was dying, and in the final stages of his illness he was visited at home by the doctor. Because the man had asked him to when the time came, the doctor said, “Listen, today is probably your last. Do you want me to tell your wife?” Weakly, the man nodded. The man dozed, drifting in and out of awareness. Then, a sensation permeated his consciousness. He smelled chocolate cookies baking. “This is it,” he thought, as he opened his eyes. “I’m in heaven. God certainly knows chocolate chip cookies are my favourite.” But when he opened his eyes, he was in his bedroom. The smell was wafting up from downstairs. The man summoned his last bit of energy, slowly and painfully drawing himself out of bed and onto the stairs. Step by slow, deliberate step he descended, the smell growing ever stronger. Finally he reached the first floor and turned into the kitchen, leaning on the wall for support. Every inch of surface space was taken up with chocolate chip cookies–cooling on racks, stacked in Tupperware, lying on dishtowels, waiting on cookie sheets to be baked. The man smiled as a tear slid down his cheek. “My wife,” he thought. “The doctor told her. Bless her for thinking of this.” And he reached out a hand for a cookie. A spatula reached out and smacked his hand. “Stay out of those,” his wife commanded. “They’re for the funeral.”

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